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ASA Conference Program Draft—Chicago 2017

Thursday, March 16

5:30-7:00 pm

Opening Reception
Drake Hotel French Room

Welcome Remarks to be delivered by Professor Susanne Rott (Head, Department of Germanic Studies, University of Illinois at Chicago)
Welcome Remarks from the Conference Organizers Professors Imke Meyer and Heidi Schlipphacke (University of Illinois at Chicago)

Friday, March 17 overview

View detailed panel information.

Drake Hotel

9:00-10:30 am

# 1, Tudor: Habsburg Nostalgia and Its Critique
# 2, Georgian: Franz Kafka I
# 3, Astor: The Vienna Secession
# 4, Erie: After Postmodernism? Rabinovici/Geiger/Glavinic
# 5, Venetian: Marketing the Nation: Cultural Politics in Austria
# 6, Huron: Jews and Jewishness in Austrian Literature and Film
# 7, Michigan: History and Memory in Slovenia and Croatia

10:45 am-12:15 pm

# 8, Venetian: Intermediality/Intertextuality: Karl Kraus
# 9, Georgian: Franz Kafka II
# 10, Astor: Egon Schiele
# 11, Erie: Trauma as Intertext in Austrian Literature and Film
# 12, Huron: Sisi I: Museums, Statues, Artifacts
# 13, Michigan: The Shoah as Intertext
# 14, Tudor: Austrian Literature and the Weight of History

12:30-2:00 pm

Lunch at the Drake Hotel
French Room

2:15-3:45 pm

# 15, Venetian: History and Genre as Intertexts: Stefan Zweig and Richard Beer-Hofmann
# 16, Georgian: Migration and Gender in Recent Austrian Literature and Film
# 17, Astor: Baroque Visions
# 18, Michigan: Queer and Trans Identities in Austrian Culture
# 19, Huron: Sisi II: Iterations of the Feminine
# 20, Tudor: The Third Reich as Intertext: J.M. Simmel/Klüger/Rabinovici
# 21, Erie: Refracted Identities: Wittgenstein/Bernhard

4:00-5:45 pm

# 22, Huron: Habsburg Histories
# 23, Erie: Die tägliche Schrift. Peter Handke als Leser
# 24, Georgian: Eco-Criticism: Nature as Literary Intertext
# 25, Michigan: Sexual/Textual Politics
# 26, Astor: The Modernist Novel: Roth, Musil, Broch
# 27, Venetian: Schnitzler’s Intertexts, Literary and Biological
# 28, Tudor: Thomas Bernhard’s Frenemies


Gene Siskel Film Center, Chicago European Film Festival Screening:
Stefan Zweig: Farewell to Europe [Vor der Morgenröte] (dir. Maria Schrader, 2016)

The exile years of Jewish-Austrian writer Stefan Zweig (Josef Hader), leading up to his suicide with his second wife Lotte (Aenne Schwarz) in Brazil in 1942, are chronicled in six symbolic segments illustrating a crisis of conscience that never abated. Abandoning his beloved Austria in 1934, at the height of his worldwide fame, Zweig is seen fomenting controversy among fellow writers for declining to denounce the Hitler regime, even as he establishes a new life in the safety of Latin America, a continent he comes to love. Zweig’s ex-wife and confidante (Barbara Sukowa) takes a pivotal role in deepening the burden of pain, when others look to her as an intermediary to secure his help. In German, English, Portuguese, French, and Spanish with English subtitles.
Director Maria Schrader and actress Barbara Sukowa will join us for a discussion of the film. Moderator: Sara Hall, University of Illinois at Chicago.

For more information about the film screening, or to purchase tickets, visit the Gene Siskel Film Center website.

Saturday, March 18 overview

View detailed panel information.

Drake Hotel

9:00-10:30 am

# 29, Georgian: Continuities and Discontinuities of the Habsburg Legacy in East-Central European Discourses Since 1918 I: Multilingualism
# 30, Venetian: Poetic Intertexts: Celan/Bachmann/Mayröcker
# 31, Erie: The Volkstheater and Its Intertexts
# 32, Michigan: National/Transnational/Global: Austria in Film and Entertainment
# 33, Astor: Intertexts as Cultural and Family History
# 34, Huron: Elfriede Jelinek I

10:45 am-12:15 pm

# 35, Georgian: Continuities and Discontinuities of the Habsburg Legacy in East-Central European Discourses Since 1918 II: Transnationalism
# 36, Michigan: Mothers and Fathers in Austrian Literature
# 37, Erie: Hofmannsthal’s Intertexts
# 38, Venetian: Musical Intertexts I: Beethoven as Intertext
# 39, Astor: Intertextualities: Hip Hop/Pop/Literature
# 40, Huron: Elfriede Jelinek II

12:30-2:00 pm

Lunch Break

2:00-3:30 pm

# 41, Georgian: Continuities and Discontinuities of the Habsburg Legacy in East-Central European Discourses Since 1918 III: Geographies
# 42, Michigan: Painting/Photography/Intermediality: Bucovich/Klien/Kokoschka/Kubin
# 43, Erie: Franz Grillparzer
# 44, Venetian: Musical Intertexts II: Brahms/Mahler/Schoenberg
# 45, Astor: Medial Limits: Sound, Word, Image
# 46, Huron: Elfriede Jelinek III

3:45-5:15 pm

# 47, Georgian: Continuities and Discontinuities of the Habsburg Legacy in East-Central European Discourses Since 1918 IV: Intertextuality and Translations
# 48, Astor: Surface/Screen/Structure: Space as Intertext in Film and Literature
# 49, Erie: Adalbert Stifter
# 50, Venetian: Musical Intertexts III: Zemlinsky/Mahler/Schoenberg
# 51, Michigan: Performances, Spectacles, and Fan Cultures in Austrian Culture

5:30-7:00 pm

Club International

Christiane Hertel, Bryn Mawr College
“Contradiction in Perpetuity: Ulrike Truger’s Encounter Monument Elisabeth – Zwang Flucht Freiheit 1998/99″

Representing three essential aspects of Empress Elisabeth’s life united in one monumental marble sculpture, yet in tension with each other, Truger invites the examination of the relationships between the concepts of monument and encounter both in the work and for its viewers. These relationships involve the histories of the three-in-one sculpture and the 18th-century aesthetic discourse about it, the Habsburg state imperial portrait in the medium of sculpture, as well as Elisabeth‘s place within Truger’s oeuvre and among several of her provocative works’ placements and displacements in Vienna’s urban spaces. Elisabeth‘s precise sculptural language of the in-between defines it less as a countermonument than an encounter monument.

Christiane Hertel is Professor Emerita of History of Art at Bryn Mawr College. She specializes in the arts of Northern Europe, from the Reformation to the twentieth century, mainly in Germany, Austria and the Netherlands. Her interest in visual and literary traditions has led her to focus on research projects involving their interplay. Over the years this interest also resulted in studies of monumental sculpture, their topics ranging from the 18th-century sculptor Ignaz Günther (Pygmalion in Bavaria, 2011) to Käthe Kollwitz’ WWI memorial Mourning Parents (in Scarborough and Dixon, Art and Social Change, 2016), and from the monumental Dance of Death from the 15th through mid-20th centuries (2001) to Edmund Klotz’ sepulchral monument for the writer Otto Friedlaender in the Jewish cemetery section of Vienna’s Zentralfriedhof (JAS, 2015).

7:00-8:30 pm

Reception at the Drake Hotel
Drake Brothers Restaurant

Sunday, March 19 overview

View detailed panel information.

University of Illinois at Chicago

9:00-9:30 am

Coffee and breakfast buffet

9:30-10:45 am

Literature Reading
Martin Amanshauser, Vienna and Berlin
Moderator: Geoffrey C. Howes, Bowling Green State University

Martin Amanshauser was born in Salzburg in 1968. He studied history, Portuguese, Spanish, and Africana Studies at the University of Vienna. He earned the doctorate in 2001 with a disseration on medieval Iberian history. He now lives in Vienna and Berlin. He is an author, a translator from the Portuguese, and a travel reporter who contributes to the Süddeutsche ZeitungDer Standard, and Die Presse, for which he writes a weekly column, “Amanshausers Welt.” He has won a number of prizes and awards, including the Georg-Trakl-Förderungspreis für Lyrik (1992), the Österreichisches Staatstipendium für Literatur (1996-97), and the Förderungspreis des Rauriser Literaturpreises (2011). His books include the poetry collection 100.000 verkaufte Exemplare (2002), the novels Im Magen einer kranken Hyäne, Wiener Stadtkrimi (1997), Erdnussbutter (1998), Chicken Christl (2004), Alles klappt nie (2005) and Der Fisch in der Streichholzschachtel (2015). His travel books include Falsch reisen. Alle machen es (2014) and Typisch Welt. 111 Geschichten zum weiter Reisen (2016). His first children’s book, Pedro und der Drachen, was published in 2016. More information can be found on his website.

11:00 am-12:30 pm

Austrian Studies in the Age of Crisis