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Friday, March 17

Drake Hotel Heading link

140 E Walton Place, Chicago, Illinois 60611

9:00-10:30 AM Heading link

# 1, Tudor: Habsburg Nostalgia and Its Critique

Moderator: Pamela Saur, Lamar University

  • Joseph Moser, West Chester University of Pennsylvania
    Habsburg Nostalgia in Czernowitz, Today’s Chernivtsi, Ukraine
  • Lukas Schmutzer, Universität Wien
    Trotzdem! Ein gutes Land? – Die radikalste Liquidation des habsburgischen Mythos am Leitfaden eines Performativs
  • Christian Karner, University of Nottingham
    Nationalist Palimpsestic Writings in Contemporary Austria and Poland

# 2, Georgian: Franz Kafka I

Moderator: Olaf Berwald, Kennesaw State University

  • Adam Toth, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
    Odysseus in China: Kafka, Race, and Sino-Hellenic Intertexts
  • Julia Koxholt, University of Illinois at Chicago
    “Der Heizer scheint dich bezaubert zu haben“: Karl Roßmann and Homosociality in Franz Kafka’s Amerika
  • Charles Hammond, University of Tennessee at Martin
    The Cross-Examination of Georg Bendemann: In Defense of the Father in Kafka’s Das Urteil

# 3, Astor: The Vienna Secession

Moderator: Ruxandra Looft, Iowa State University

  • Christine Bernshaus, Washington University
    ‘Heilige’ Kunst in der Zeit des Fin-de-Siècle in Wien – Eine soziologische Betrachtung der Kunst als Text in Interaktion mit der Gesellschaft um 1900
  • Diane Silverthorne, Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts
    Vienna’s Ver Sacrum: Literary Intertextuality and the Medium of the Modernist Magazine
  • Karena Weduwen, Washington University
    Prometheus auf den Schultern von Riesen? – Zur historischen Referentialität und Autorschaft in der Ver Sacrum

# 4, Erie: After Postmodernism? Rabinovici/Geiger/Glavinic

Moderator: Adrian Chubb, University of Illinois at Chicago

  • Elin Nesje Vestli, Østfold University, Norway
    „Irgendwo da liegen sie“: Kontaminierte Landschaften in der österreichischen Gegenwartsliteratur
  • Slawomir Piontek, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
    Reflexionen zum Ende der Postmoderne in Es geht uns gut von Arno Geiger
  • Hansjakob Werlen, Swarthmore College
    Phantasmagoria of Selves: Intertextuality in Thomas Glavinic’s Oeuvre

# 5, Venetian: Marketing the Nation: Cultural Politics in Austria

Moderator: Patrick Fortmann, University of Illinois at Chicago

  • Michael Burri, University of Pennsylvania
    Agents Wanted? Austrian (Foreign) Cultural Policy and Austrian Studies
  • Roman Hutter, Universität Wien
    Washington – Wien – Bukarest: Rumäniendeutsche SchriftstellerInnen zwischen den Fronten des kulturellen Kalten Kriegs am Beispiel von Oskar Pastior
  • Ursula Ebel, Universität Wien
    Kontinuitäten österreichischer Kulturpolitik im Wendejahr 1989: Die Aktivitäten der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Literatur

# 6, Huron: Jews and Jewishness in Austrian Literature and Film

Moderator: Ashley Passmore, Texas A&M University

  • Sonia Gollance, University of Pennsylvania
    “Wie die Montecchi beim Maskenfest der Capuletti”: Transgressive Dance and Interethnic Romance in Leopold von Sacher-Masoch’s Der Judenraphael (1882)
  • Amy Braun, Washington University
    Monsters, Madmen, and Social Degeneration in Gustav Meyrink’s Der Golem
  • Lisa Silverman, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
    Absent Jews and Invisible Antisemitism in Postwar Film: Der Prozeß (1948) and The Third Man (1949)

# 7, Michigan: History and Memory in Slovenia and Croatia

Moderator: Neil Christian Pages, Binghamton University

  • Nathaniel Reul, University of Maryland, College Park
    Cultural Nostalgia and Civilizational Progress: Austro-German Nationalism, Culture,and Memory of the Habsburgs in Post-WWI Slovenia, 1918-1927
  • Reinhard Johler, Universität Tübingen
    “Hybridism”: A Concept and its Career
  • Jasna Galjer, University of Zagreb
    Mapping Modernist Discourse on the Edge of the Empire: Connections between Vienna and Zagreb in the Context of European Modernism at the Beginning of the 20th Century

10:45 AM-12:15 PM Heading link

# 8, Venetian: Intermediality/Intertextuality: Karl Kraus

Moderator: Michael Burri, University of Pennsylvania

  • Philipp Ramer, Université de Genève
    Reden über Räume. Intertextuelle Interieur-Dialoge zwischen Peter Altenberg, Karl Kraus und Adolf Loos
  • Kate Brooks, University of Minnesota
    Documenting Destruction: Authenticity and Authority in Karl Kraus’s Last Days of Mankind
  • Hélène Florea, Université Toulouse-Jean Jaurès
    Der goethesche Intertext in den Shakespeare-Bearbeitungen Karl Kraus’

# 9, Georgian: Franz Kafka II

Moderator: Anita McChesney, Texas Tech University

  • Patrick Fortmann, University of Illinois at Chicago
    Kafka’s Threshold Spaces
  • Robert Lemon, University of Oklahoma
    Not a Bug, But a Feature: Socialist and Anarchist Intertexts in Kafka’s Die Verwandlung
  • Alfred Thomas, University of Illinois at Chicago
    The Hidden Castle: Czech Literary Intertexts in Kafka’s Das Schloss

# 10, Astor: Egon Schiele

Moderator: Olivia Gruber Florek, Delaware County Community College

  • Heather Findling, University of Leeds
    Discovering Egon Schiele through Otto Benesch: Writing the Artist into the Nation’s Imaginary Narrative
  • Lori Felton, Independent Scholar
    The Neukunstgruppe: Dissent or Dialogue?

# 11, Erie: Trauma as Intertext in Austrian Literature and Film

Moderator: Oliver Speck, Virginia Commonwealth University

  • Maria Hofmann, University of Minnesota
    Austria’s Indirect Cinema
  • Olaf Berwald, Kennesaw State University
    “A winter war: a Trakl/madhouse:” Soundings of Trauma in Thomas Kling and Franz Wright
  • Roxane Riegler, Murray State University
    Trauma erzählen: Erinnerung und Empathie bei Michael Köhlmeier, Ludwig Laher und Julya Rabinowich

# 12, Huron: Sisi I: Museums, Statues, Artifacts

Moderator: Beth Ann Muellner, College of Wooster

  • Susanne Kelley, Kennesaw State University
    Stories and Artifacts: Museum displays of Sisi in Vienna and the US
  • Judith Szapor, McGill University
    Sisi Redux: Elizabeth and Her Cult in Post-Communist Hungary
  • Maura Hametz, Old Dominion University
    “Italian” Sisi Statues

# 13, Michigan: The Shoah as Intertext

Moderator: Andrew Hamilton, College of the Holy Cross

  • Neil Christian Pages, Binghamton University
    Object as Intertext: The Binghamton Nuvolone
  • Markus Zisselsberger, University of Miami
    Outside the Frame: Female Voices in the Outtakes of Claude Lanzmann’s Shoah
  • Tim Corbett, Universität Wien
    Sehenswürdigkeit –Schandfleck –Brandstätte: Intertextual Representations of the Jewish Cemeteries in Vienna through the Twentieth Century

# 14, Tudor: Austrian Literature and the Weight of History

Moderator: Paul Buchholz, Emory University

  • Lorraine Markotic, University of Calgary
    The Dangerous Interplay of Ontology and History in Alois Hotschnig’s Ludwig’s Zimmer
  • Wolfgang Straub, University of Vienna
    „Kleist, Kraus, Beckett, Bernhard –das kann nur ich“. Intertextualität bei Werner Kofle
  • Filmprojektion: Werner Kofler, “Im Museum”

12:30-2:00 PM Heading link

Lunch at the Drake Hotel, French Room

  • Travel Award Presentation
    • Christian Ebner, Austrian Cultural Forum New York
    • Helga Schreckenberger, University of Vermont
  • Austrian Studies Association News—Members of the ASA Executive Committee

2:15-3:45 PM Heading link

# 15, Venetian: History and Genre as Intertexts: Stefan Zweig and Richard Beer-Hofmann

Moderator: Caroline Kita, Washington University, St. Louis

  • Ruth V. Gross, North Carolina State University
    Stefan Zweig: History and Fiction as Intertexts
  • Edward Lawrence, University of New Orleans
    ‘In this Dark Hour’: Stefan Zweig and the Meaning of Exile in Brazil
  • Mathias Meert, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
    Pantomime und Intertextualität: Richard Beer-Hofmanns Das goldene Pferd als allegorisierte Traumwelt

# 16, Georgian: Migration and Gender in Recent Austrian Literature and Film

Sponsored by the Coalition of Women in German

Margarete Lamb-Faffelberger, Lafayette College
Barbara Kosta, University of Arizona

  • Elizabeth Ametsbichler, University of Montana
    Stories Across Borders in Zdenka Becker’s Good-Bye Galina
  • Lorely French, Pacific University
    Gender and Orality in Works by Austrian Roma
  • Frances Tanzer, Brown University
    Stella Kadmon and the Theater der Courage: Remigration and Urban Modernity in Postwar Vienna

# 17, Astor: Baroque Visions

Moderator: Roxane Riegler, Murray State University

  • Howard Louthan, University of Minnesota
    Between Text and Image: Recasting the Austrian Baroque
  • Julie M. Johnson, University of Texas at San Antonio
    Intertextuality in the Habsburg Picture Gallery
  • Amy Onstot, University of Minnesota
    All the Pretty Little Horses: The Spectacle of Power in the Ladies’ Carousel of 1743

# 18, Michigan: Queer and Trans Identities in Austrian Culture

Moderator: Hansjakob Werlen, Swarthmore College

  • Ute Bettray, Swarthmore College
    Sigmund Freud and Harry Benjamin: Thinking the Differing Interrelationships between the Sexed Body, Gender Identity and Sexual Desire in Transnational Trans Feminism
  • Matthew Baumann, University of Cincinnati
    The Comedy of Gender Construction in Elfriede Jelinek’s Krankheit oder Moderne Frauen
  • Susanne Hochreiter, Universität Wien
    Conchita Wurst: Ironische Ikone.

# 19, Huron: Sisi II: Iterations of the Feminine

Moderator: Zachary Fitzpatrick, University of Illinois at Chicago

  • Beth Ann Muellner, College of Wooster
    The Remains of the Stay: The Corporeal Archive of Empress Elisabeth in the Hofburg
  • Anita McChesney, Texas Tech University
    Imagining Austria: Myths of “Sisi”and the Nation in Lilian Faschinger’s Wiener Passion
  • Olivia Gruber Florek, Delaware County Community College
    Empress Elisabeth and the Painting of Modern Life

# 20, Tudor: The Third Reich as Intertext: J.M. Simmel/Klüger/Rabinovici

Moderator: Michael Boehringer, University of Waterloo

  • Cindy Walter-Gensler, Baylor University
    The Third Reich and WWII as Intertext in Johannes Mario Simmel’s Hurra wir leben noch
  • Sarah Painitz, Butler University
    Intertextual Spaces: Cultural Translation and the Negotiation of Identity
  • Maria Luise Caputo-Mayr, Temple University
    A Time of Distrust of the “Alien” and the Search for Identity: Doron Rabinovici’s Novel Andernorts

# 21, Erie: Refracted Identities: Wittgenstein/Bernhard

Moderator: Jennifer Good, Baylor University

  • Fernando Scherer, UNIVASF, Brasil
    Untersuchung der Bedeutung des Wortes “Ich“ nach Wittgensteins Philosophie
  • Sharon Weiner, University of Illinois at Chicago
    Moonlighting in the Ludwig Pavilion: Philosophy, Madness and Intertextualities in Bernhard’s Wittgensteins Neffe

4:00-5:45 PM Heading link

# 22, Huron: Habsburg Histories

Moderator: Maura Hametz, Old Dominion University

  • Tamara Peicu, Universität Wien
    Melanchton- Honterus: Intertextuality at the Dawn of Reformation in Transsylvania
  • Arno Strohmeyer, Universität Salzburg
    The Intertextuality of Diplomatic Correspondence: Habsburg Envoys in Constantinople in the Seventeenth Century
  • Christos Aliprantis, University of Cambridge
    The Multiple Faces of Joseph II: Cultural Differences and Changing Interpretations of the Enlightened Emperor in Mid-19th Century Austria
  • David S. Luft, Oregon State University
    Modern German, Cisleithanian Austria, and the Field of Intellectual History

# 23, Erie: Die tägliche Schrift. Peter Handke als Leser

Moderator: Birthe Hoffmann, University of Copenhagen

  • Heike Polster, University of Memphis
    Langsames Lesen: Peter Handkes Poetik der Gegenwärtigkeit
  • Thorsten Carstensen, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
    Unterwegs zur gerechten Sprache: Landschaften bei Peter Handke und Philippe Jaccottet
  • Jan Röhnert, Technische Universität Braunschweig
    Machado, Char, Kühn, Becker – Handke als Leser einer Lyrik der primären Dinge
  • Oliver Kohns, Université du Luxembourg
    Werkimmanente Intertextualität bei Peter Handke: Selbstzitat, -Fortschreibung,-Kommentar und -Parodie

# 24, Georgian: Eco-Criticism: Nature as Literary Intertext

Moderator: Daniel Gilfillan, Arizona State University

  • Kiley Kost, University of Minnesota
    Reading Landscape, Writing (Natural) History: Peter Handke’s Langsame Heimkehr
  • Paul Buchholz, Emory University
    Cosmos in Crisis: Franz Krahberger’s Humbolts Reise
  • Felix Tweraser, University of West Georgia
    Walden in the Anthropocene: An Intertextual Reading of Erwin Uhrmann’s Novel Ich bin die Zukunft (2014)
  • Commentator: Heather Sullivan, Trinity University

# 25, Michigan: Sexual/Textual Politics

Moderator: Susanne Hochreiter, Universität Wien

  • Tom Butcher, University of Virginia
    From Geschlecht und Charakter to Sexual Liberation: On an Unexpected Point of Agreement between Otto Weininger and (Some) Austrian Feminists
  • Phillip Henry, University of Chicago
    Psychoanalysis and The Future of Enlightenment: Sexuality and Politics in Interwar Vienna
  • Ruxandra Looft, Iowa State University
    A Faustian Feminism: Rosa Mayreder’s New Woman in 1930s Austria
  • Tiarra Cooper, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
    Possibilities of Rosa Mayreder’s ‘Unconscious’ in Transhistorical Dialogue

# 26, Astor: The Modernist Novel: Roth, Musil, Broch

Moderator: Charles Hammond, University of Tennessee at Martin

  • Pamela Saur, Lamar University
    Intertextual Links in Joseph Roth’s “Der Triumph der Schönheit” (1934)
  • Richard Lambert III, University of North Carolina-Duke University
    From Isotype to Eigenschaften: Musil’s Historical Fiction Between Neurath and Wittgenstein
  • Carolin Duttlinger, University of Oxford
    Maximizing Concentration: Robert Musil and the Psychotechnics of Modern Life
  • Jacob van der Kolk, Pennsylvania State University
    The Hellish Metatext – Eschatology and Contrition in Hermann Broch’s Der Tod des Vergils

# 27, Venetian: Schnitzler’s Intertexts, Literary and Biological

Moderator: Susanne Kelley, Kennesaw State University

  • Antonia Villinger, Washington University
    Intertextuelle Kreisbewegungen –Arthur Schnitzlers Reigen als Intertext in Hugo von Hofmannsthals Libretto Der Rosenkavalier
  • Marie Kolkenbrock, University of Cambridge
    Schopenhauer’s Porcupines: Anthropologies of Cultivated Distance and Arthur Schnitzler’s Poetics of Detachment
  • Ashley Passmore, Texas A&M University
    Viennese Jerusalem: Sayed Kashua’s Second Person Singular and the Afterlife of Schnitzler’s Traumnovelle
  • Monica Strauss, Independent Scholar
    Dr. Johann Schnitzler and Anti-Semitism: Tackling a Text

# 28, Tudor: Thomas Bernhard’s Frenemies

Moderator: Gregor Thuswaldner, North Park University

  • Andrew Hamilton, College of the Holy Cross
    Asphyxiating Austria: Bernhard’s Lessons from Stifter
  • Kata Gellen, Duke University
    Bernhard Listens to Kafka: Das Kalkwerk and “Der Bau”
  • Josh Todarello, California State University, Long Beach
    Selbstvernichtung: First-person Narrators, Work, and Solitude in Kafka’s “Der Bau” and Thomas Bernhard’s Beton
  • Commentator: Jens Klenner, Bowdoin College

7:00 Heading link

Gene Siskel Film Center, Chicago European Film Festival Screening:
Stefan Zweig: Farewell to Europe [Vor der Morgenröte]

2016, Maria Schrader, Austria/Germany, 106 min. With Josef Hader, Barbara Sukowa.

Post-Screening Discussion: Director Maria Schrader and Actress Barbara Sukowa in conversation with Sara Hall, University of Illinois at Chicago

For more information about the film screening, or to purchase tickets, visit the Gene Siskel Film Center website.