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Saturday, March 18

Drake Hotel Heading link

140 E Walton Place, Chicago, Illinois 60611

9:00-10:30 AM Heading link

# 29, Georgian: Continuities and Discontinuities of the Habsburg Legacy in East-Central European Discourses Since 1918 I: Multilingualism

Moderator: Karen Underhill, University of Illinois at Chicago

  • Danuta Sosnowska, University of Warsaw
    The Phenomenon of Multilingualism in Czech Immigration Literature after 1968: The Reflection of the Idea of Bohemia?
  • Natalia Aleksiun, Touro College
    The Galician Paradigm? Postwar Experiences of German-Speaking Polish Jewish Survivors
  • Francisca Solomon, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iaşi
    Das habsburgische Erbe in literarischen Texten jiddischschreibender Autoren aus der Bukowina. Sprache und kulturelle Identität

# 30, Venetian: Poetic Intertexts: Celan/Bachmann/Mayröcker

Moderator: Sharon Weiner, University of Illinois at Chicago

  • Yuuki Kazaoka, Kyoto University
    Ingeborg Bachmanns Verarbeitung von Celans Gedicht Corona (1952) –Zwei Methoden
  • Stefanie Heine, University of Toronto
    Pneumatically Touchable Poems. Paul Celan’s Translation of Osip Mandelstam’s Дано мнѣ тѣло (“Man gab mir einen Körper”)
  • Eleonore De Felip, Universität Innsbruck
    Intertextuelle Referenzbeziehungen als Liebesbeziehungen: Friederike Mayröckers „vom Umhalsen der Sperlingswand, oder 1 Schumannwahnsinn

# 31, Erie: The Volkstheater and Its Intertexts

Moderator: Cindy Walter-Gensler, Baylor University

  • Jeffrey Hertel, Duke University-University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
    “Von nun an ist der Staat zugleich die höchste Poesie.” Satirizing the Viennese Märzrevolution
  • Markus Grill, Charles University, Prague
    Über Anton Kuhs multifunktionales Nestroy-Bild

# 32, Michigan: National/Transnational/Global: Austria in Film and Entertainment

Moderator: Sarah Painitz, Butler University

  • Robert Dassanowsky, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
    Signifying Habsburg in Italiano: The Image of the Old/Austria(n) in Italian Film
  • Katherine Arens, University of Texas at Austin
    The Blue Light: Intertexts of Empire
  • Laura Detre, West Chester University of Pennsylvania
    Peter Alexander, the International Viennese

# 33, Astor: Intertexts as Cultural and Family History

Moderator: Helga Schreckenberger, University of Vermont

  • Laura Tezarek, Literaturarchiv der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek
    Spuren der österreichischen Nachkriegsavantgarde und Intertexualität bei Andreas Okopenko
  • Amanda Sheffer, Catholic University of America
    Exploring Intertextuality in Kehlmann’s Die Vermessung der Welt: Critiquing the Present through the Past
  • Eva Kuttenberg, Pennsylvania State University, Erie
    Der österreichische Generationenroman im 21. Jahrhundert als Intertext

# 34, Huron: Elfriede Jelinek I

Moderator: Anna Souchuk, DePaul University

  • Silke Felber, Universität Wien
    Mantik und Klage – Elfriede Jelineks Verfahren der Tragödienfortschreibung
  • Britta Kallin, Georgia Institute of Technology
    Right-Wing Extremism and Intertextual Connections in Elfriede Jelinek’s Rein.Gold and Das schweigende Mädchen
  • Tino Schlench, Universität Wien
    Zur Praxis der Nestbeschmutzung: Affirmation und Kritik der intellektuellen Lebensform bei Elfriede Jelinek

10:45 AM-12:15 PM Heading link

# 35, Georgian: Continuities and Discontinuities of the Habsburg Legacy in East-Central European Discourses Since 1918 II: Transnationalism

Moderator: Magdalena Baran-Szoltys, Universität Wien

  • Libuše Heczková, Charles University, Prague
    Czech Writers in the Cemetery of Subcarpathian Ruthenia: The New Multi-Cultural State of Czechoslovakia —The Old Problems of Austro-Hungary?
  • Jagoda Wierzejska, University of Warsaw
    The Idea of Habsburg Galicia in the Polish Discourse of the Interwar Period

# 36, Michigan: Mothers and Fathers in Austrian Literature

Moderator: Julia Koxholt, University of Illinois at Chicago

  • Gabriel Cooper, Oberlin College
    Enormous “Fatherbodies”: Franz Kafka’s Brief an den Vater and Peter Stephan Jungk’s Die Reise über den Hudson
  • Michael Boehringer, University of Waterloo
    The Figure of the Failed Father: Väterliteratur and “Migration Literature” as Intertexts
  • Brigitte Prutti, University of Washington
    „Eia mater, fons amoris“ – Mütterlichkeit bei Lipuš, Winkler, Borbély

# 37, Erie: Hofmannsthal’s Intertexts

Moderator: Marie Kolkenbrock, University of Cambridge

  • Jeff Castle, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    “Eine reine Gebärde ist wie ein reiner Gedanke”: The Role of Pantomime in Hugo von Hofmannsthal’s Der Schwierige
  • Anna Guillemin, University of Illinois at Chicago
    The Former Hapsburg Empire as Aphoristic Inter-Text: Hofmannsthal’s Buch der Freunde
  • Margareta Ingrid Christian, University of Chicago
    Scenes of Dwelling in Hofmannsthal and Sitte

# 38, Venetian: Musical Intertexts I: Beethoven as Intertext

Moderator: Carl Niekerk, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  • Scott Messing, Alma College
    Self-Citation Among Vienna’s Master Composers
  • Peter Höyng, Emory University
    Fissures in the Production and Reception of Beethoven’s Fidelio
  • Paul du Quenoy, American University of Beirut
    Beethoven in Russia

# 39, Astor: Intertextualities: Hip Hop/Pop/Literature

Moderator: Elizabeth Ametsbichler, University of Montana

  • Ted Dawson, Vanderbilt University
    Jelinek-lite or Hip-Hop Prose? Musical style in Mieze Medusa’s Freischnorcheln
  • Frederik Dörfler, Universität Wien
    HipHop-Musik aus Österreich. Lokale Aspekte einer globalen kulturellen Ausdrucksform
  • Geoffrey C. Howes, Bowling Green State University
    No Text but Intertext: Erwin Einzinger’s Novel Aus der Geschichte der Unterhaltungsmusik

# 40, Huron: Elfriede Jelinek II

Moderator: Britta Kallin, Georgia Institute of Technology

  • Maria Reger, University of Connecticut
    Refugees and Human Rights: Elfriede Jelinek’s Die Schutzbefohlenen as Text and Theater
  • Teresa Kovacs, Universität Wien
    Landschaftstexte. Elfriede Jelinek, Gertrude Stein.
  • Gundolf Graml, Agnes Scott College
    The Role of the Cultural Imaginary in the Anthropocene: Descriptions of Violence, Strategies of Resilience in Novels by Elfriede Jelinek and Christoph Ransmayr

12:30-2:00 PM Heading link

Lunch Break

2:00-3:30 PM Heading link

# 41, Georgian: Continuities and Discontinuities of the Habsburg Legacy in East-Central European Discourses Since 1918 III: Geographies

Moderator: Katarzyna Kotyńska, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw

  • Olena Dvoretska, Universität Wien
    Creating an Other Europe: Galician Cities in the Texts of Stanislav Phenomenon’s Authors
  • Halyna Witoszynska, Universität Wien
    The Habsburg Legacy in Autobiographical Discourse on Lemberg/Lwów/L’viv during the Interwar Period
  • Karen Underhill, University of Illinois at Chicago
    Color in the Carpathians: Bruno Schulz, Debora Vogel, and Diasporic Modernism in Post-Imperial Galicia

# 42, Michigan: Painting/Photography/Intermediality: Bucovich/Klien/Kokoschka/Kubin

Moderator: Teresa Kovacs, Universität Wien

  • Todd Heidt, Knox College
    The Lives and Lies of Mario von Bucovich
  • Primus-Heinz Kucher, Universität Klagenfurt
    E.G. Klien und der Wiener Kinetismus der 1920er Jahre: Konzepte und internationale Korrespondenzen einer kurzen Avantgarde
  • Birgit Kirchmayr, Universität Linz
    The Legend of the Artist: Oskar Kokoschka and Alfred Kubin as Autobiographers

# 43, Erie: Franz Grillparzer

Moderator: Joseph Moser, West Chester University of Pennsylvania

  • Alicia Ellis, Colby College
    Grillparzer’s Recontextualization of Medea
  • Dagmar C. G. Lorenz, University of Illinois at Chicago
    Häuser Österreichs: Stifter, Grillparzer, Bernhard
  • Birthe Hoffmann, University of Copenhagen
    Das besessene und besitzlose Ich – eine Denkfigur in der österreichischen Literatur Grillparzer bis Bachmann

# 44, Venetian: Musical Intertexts II: Brahms/Mahler/Schoenberg

Moderator: Peter Höyng, Emory University

  • Robert Michael Anderson, University of North Texas
    Ideale Hausmusik: The Novella as Aesthetic Paradigm in Brahms’s Vocal Quartets
  • Leah Batstone, McGill University
    Nietzsche, Mahler, and Defining Ambition
  • Clare Carrasco, Butler University
    Bach, Beethoven…Schoenberg?: Intertextuality and Intermusicality in Critical Debates over Bekker’s Neue Musik (1919)

# 45, Astor: Medial Limits: Sound, Word, Image

Moderator: Robert Ryder, University of Illinois at Chicago

  • Daniel Gilfillan, Arizona State University
    Of Parrots, Behaviors, and Moods: Listening Before, Beyond, and Alongside the Human
  • Helga Schreckenberger, University of Vermont
    The Novel as Performance: Lili Grün’s Alles ist Jazz (1933)
  • Oliver Speck, Virginia Commonwealth University
    “Der Berg ruft”: Cinematic Narration in Extreme Sports and Combat

# 46, Huron: Elfriede Jelinek III

Moderator: Lorely French, Pacific University

  • Sophie Schweiger, Columbia University
    Staging the Obvious. Elfriede Jelinek’s Die Wand and the Beauty of Citation.
  • Irina Hron, Stockholm University
    „Schneewittchen-Fleck im Schnee“: Überzeitliche Korrespondenzen von Lieben und Sterben bei Elfriede Jelinek und Marlene Streeruwitz
  • Allyson Fiddler, Lancaster University
    Spot the Intertext: On the Secret – and Not so Secret – Life of the Quotation in Elfriede Jelinek

3:45-5:15 PM Heading link

# 47, Georgian: Continuities and Discontinuities of the Habsburg Legacy in East-Central European Discourses Since 1918 IV: Intertextuality and Translations

Moderator: Jagoda Wierzejska, University of Warsaw

  • Katarzyna Kotyńska, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
    From Intellectual Trends to the Business Model: The Habsburg Monarchy in the Modern Ukrainian Culture
  • Magdalena Baran-Szoltys, Universität Wien
    On Traces of the Habsburg Legacy: Travels to the Post-Galician Space in Polish and German Literature after 1989

# 48, Astor: Surface/Screen/Structure: Space as Intertext in Film and Literature

Moderator: Robert Dassanowsky, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

  • Margaret Ozierski, Virginia Commonwealth University
    “Fatal Accidence”: Otto Preminger’s mode of film noir in The Man with the Golden Arm
  • Zachary Fitzpatrick, University of Illinois at Chicago
    Screening Security and Subjectivity: Dialectical Tensions in the Film Kafkas Der Bau
  • Marina Brafa, University of Illinois at Chicago
    Architektonische Merkmale in Kafkas Der Prozess

# 49, Erie: Adalbert Stifter

Moderator: Dagmar C.G. Lorenz, University of Illinois at Chicago

  • Matthew Sherman, University of Texas at Austin
    Connections and Fissures between Adalbert Stifter’s “Der heilige Abend“ and “Bergkristall”
  • Anna-Rebecca Nowicki, Washington University
    Alte Männer, rohe Kunst –Franz Grillparzers Der arme Spielmann als Intertext in Adalbert Stifters „Bunte Steine“
  • Erica Weitzman, Northwestern University
    Abfall für Alle: Stifter’s Trash, Overwriting, and the Picturesque

# 50, Venetian: Musical Intertexts III: Zemlinsky/Mahler/Schoenberg

Moderator: Judith Szapor, McGill University

  • Carl Niekerk, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    Zemlinsky contra Mahler: Aesthetic Modernism, the Jewish Body, and Alexander Zemlinsky’s Deconstructive Fairy Tales
  • Caroline Kita, Washington University
    Remediating the Romantic Hero: Gustav Mahler’s Titan
  • Sarah Pourciau, Princeton University
    The Two-Tongued Prophet: Schoenberg and the Problem of the Work after Wagner

# 51, Michigan: Performances, Spectacles, and Fan Cultures in Austrian Culture

Moderator: Sara Hall, University of Illinois at Chicago

  • Michelle Duncan, Brown University
    Standing Bear: Between the Prater and Pine Ridge
  • Andrew Behrendt, University of Pittsburgh
    Anywhere But Here: The Jackpot Confessions of Early 1920s Viennese Movie Fans
  • Bernhard Doppler, Universität Paderborn
    Metamorphosen: Arnold Schwarzenegger – Jack Unterweger – Christoph Waltz

5:30-7:00 PM Heading link

Club International

Keynote Address by Christiane Hertel, Bryn Mawr College

“Contradiction in Perpetuity: Ulrike Truger’s Encounter Monument Elisabeth – Zwang Flucht Freiheit 1998/99”

Greetings delivered by Astrida Orle Tantillo, Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago

Representing three essential aspects of Empress Elisabeth’s life united in one monumental marble sculpture, yet in tension with each other, Truger invites the examination of the relationships between the concepts of monument and encounter both in the work and for its viewers. These relationships involve the histories of the three-in-one sculpture and the 18th-century aesthetic discourse about it, the Habsburg state imperial portrait in the medium of sculpture, as well as Elisabeth‘s place within Truger’s oeuvre and among several of her provocative works’ placements and displacements in Vienna’s urban spaces. Elisabeth‘s precise sculptural language of the in-between defines it less as a countermonument than an encounter monument.

Christiane Hertel is Professor Emerita of History of Art at Bryn Mawr College. She specializes in the arts of Northern Europe, from the Reformation to the twentieth century, mainly in Germany, Austria and the Netherlands. Her interest in visual and literary traditions has led her to focus on research projects involving their interplay. Over the years this interest also resulted in studies of monumental sculpture, their topics ranging from the 18th-century sculptor Ignaz Günther (Pygmalion in Bavaria, 2011) to Käthe Kollwitz’ WWI memorial Mourning Parents (in Scarborough and Dixon, Art and Social Change, 2016), and from the monumental Dance of Death from the 15th through mid-20th centuries (2001) to Edmund Klotz’ sepulchral monument for the writer Otto Friedlaender in the Jewish cemetery section of Vienna’s Zentralfriedhof (JAS, 2015).

7:00-8:30 PM Heading link

Drake Brothers Restaurant

Post-Keynote Reception at the Drake Hotel